As the old saying goes, the enemy of good is perfect.
So it goes with my new site, as I told you about in the last two posts.We have to move on!
And yes, now you can check out the new site! iApologia.com.
There I want to continue to have a platform "Where Science, Reason & Christianity Meet."
As you will see, the site has a total makeover. I have added a speakers page to answer common questions for those who want me talk to their group. Also, I added a store page where I link to many great resource so you can dig deeper.
If you do get the latest posts via email, you will not have to do a thing, just sit back and enjoy the new content!
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The old IBITE logo is going by the wayside too for the new iApologa logo. The "crossed Z" logo has been switched for the gecko silhouette.

Click below to go to iApologia.com!

Happy reading!