Saturday, November 2, 2013

2 Things We Can Learn From a Chess Player

"I can’t count the times I have lagged seemingly hopelessly far behind, and nobody except myself thinks I can win. But I have pulled myself in from desperate [situations]. When you are behind there are two strategies – counter-attack or all men to the defenses. I’m good at finding the right balance between those." Number one ranked chess player in the world - Magnus Carlsen

What I find interesting about this quote is how well it correlates with Christianity. While we're in no game, so often it seems we lag behind, but in the end we will pull through with God's help.

We also need a balance between defense and offence. There is a need to defend truth and righteousness. However, we need to be on the offences attacking the societal norms and customs that are evil. In addition, our call is to challenge others to join the cause of Christ's kingdom.

All these tasks are not to be done with physical weapons, but rather in the battle of ideas, "...the pulling down of strong holds..." and "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God..." We do have the truth on our side, we need not fear!

Image source: Flicker/Nestor Galina

The Christian's Focus

As followers of Christ, we need a focus. That focus is sometimes diverted in topics and areas that are irrelevant. One is excessive divisions between those who are dedicated followers of Christ. We need to be tearing down artificial walls among true believers and followers of Christ, not building more. Our battle needs to be focused on following the two greatest commandments, and making disciples, bringing them into the kingdom. Right now many battles in Christianity is focused on the wrong front – each other.

  • Let's focus on truth, which is the gospel.
  • Let's focus on the furtherance of the kingdom of God, with Christ as king and we in his domain.
  • Let's focus on true biblical love, love that is patient, kind, not envious, humble, helps others, trusts, is righteous, and is obedient to Christ's commands.
What a world this would be if we would fight, fight in Christ's army, fight sin, fight evil, and immorality. Lets preserve truth, and challenge those around use to join the ultimate cause for Christ's kingdom!

Image source: "Ottavio vannini, san giovanni che indica il Cristo a Sant'Andrea" by Ottavio Vannini (1585-c. 1643) - Giovanni Piccirillo (a cura di), La chiesa dei Santi Michele e Gaetano, Becocci Editore, Firenze 2006. sailko. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons 

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